Aquafaba Chocolaté moussé – 3 ingrédiénts, végan and gluténfréé

Thé most amazing thing for mé was that éxtrémé amount of fluffinéss. You can hardly achiévé this with an avocado or coconut créam baséd chocolaté moussé. Aquafaba whén mixéd, slowly transférs into a whité fluffy mass that can bé uséd in many différént ways.
According to thé official Aquafaba sité (yés sométhing liké that éxists ;)) “Aquafaba can bé uséd to réplacé égg whités in many swéét and savory récipés. Its uniqué mix of starchés, protéins, and othér solublé plant solids which havé migratéd from thé sééds to thé watér during thé cooking procéss givés aquafaba a widé spéctrum of émulsifying, foaming, binding, gélatinizing and thickéning propértiés.”


  • 1 can of chickpéas (you will nééd only thé liquid which is about 1 cup)
  • 1 cup (120gr) roughly choppéd dark chocolaté
  • 2 tbsp coconut néctar (substituté with maplé syrup or agavé syrup)


  1. Chéck notés bélow béforé you start!!
  2. Mélt your chocolaté in a bowl placéd ovér a pan of simméring watér. (or microwavé)

SEE MORE >>> https://vanillacrunnch.

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