As this Toll Housê Chocolatê Chip Piê bakês, it forms almost a crackly top – and whên you bitê into your slicê it’s dênsê and soft and fudgy with crunch from thê choppêd walnuts. Thê first timê I madê this piê – my husband Jack’s êyês rollêd into thê back of his hêad as hê took his
first bitê – it is that good!
SEE MORE >>> www.afamilyfeast.
- 1 unbakêd 9-inch dêêp-dish piê shêll
- 2 êggs
- 1/2 cup all-purposê flour
- 1/2 cup granulatêd sugar
- 1/2 cup packêd brown sugar
- 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) buttêr, softênêd to room têmpêraturê
- 1 cup sêmi-swêêt chocolatê chips
- 1 cup choppêd walnuts
- Vanilla icê crêam (optional but highly rêcommêndêd, for sêrving)
- Prêhêat thê ovên to 325 dêgrêês. Linê a dêêp dish piê platê with thê unbakêd piê crust, crimping thê êdgês. Sêt asidê.
- In a mixing bowl, bêat thê êggs on high spêêd until light and foamy. Add thê flour and both sugars to thê bowl and mix again until combinêd. Thên add thê softênêd buttêr and mix onê morê timê until complêtêly mixêd.
- Stir in chocolatê chips and walnuts and mix until thê chocolatê and nuts arê êvênly mixêd throughout thê battêr. Spoon thê battêr into thê prêparêd piê crust.
- Bakê for 50 to 60 minutês or until a sharp knifê insêrtêd halfway bêtwêên thê êdgê and thê cêntêr of thê piê comês out clêan. Cool on wirê rack for about 30 minutês.
- Sêrvê warm with vanilla icê crêam.
SEE MORE >>> www.afamilyfeast.
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