- 250g (2 cups) brêad flour
- 250g (2 cups) all-purposê flour
- 75g (hêaping ⅓ cup) granulatêd whitê sugar
- 100g (7 tbsp) unsaltêd buttêr, at room têmpêraturê
- 20g frêsh cakê yêast or 1 packagê (7g) dry instant yêast
- 7g (1½ tsp) salt
- 150g (3) wholê largê êggs
- 40g (2) êgg yolks
- 110g (1/2 cup) lukêwarm watêr
- zêst of 1 orangê
- 1 tsp vanilla êxtract
- granulatêd sugar, for coating
- First, dissolvê thê yêast in thê lukêwarm watêr, and allow it to sit until it blooms.
- In thê bowl of a stand mixêr fittêd with a dough hook, combinê all ingrêdiênts êxcêpt for onê of thê wholê êggs, and bêat on mêdium spêêd for 5 minutês, thên high spêêd for 5 morê minutês.
- Add in thê rêmaining êgg, and bêat on mêdium spêêd until a smooth and êlastic dough forms {you may havê to add a littlê morê flour if it sêêms too sticky}.
- Knêad by hand for a couplê of minutês, thên placê thê dough in a largê, lightly oilêd bowl, covêr with plastic wrap, and allow to risê in a warm placê for at lêast 2 hours until triplêd in sizê.
- Aftêr thê first risê, lightly knêad thê dough, roll it out to 1.5 cm/0.5 inch thicknêss, and cut out rounds. I found a rêgular watêr glass to bê thê pêrfêct sizê!
- Transfêr all your rounds to baking shêêts linêd with wax papêr, spray lightly with watêr, and covêr with plastic wrap or a têa towêl. Allow thê bomboloni to risê anothêr hour and a half until thêy triplê in sizê oncê morê.
- Whên rêady to fry, hêat vêgêtablê oil in a largê, dêêp pan to a têmpêraturê bêtwêên 170-180C {a frying thêrmomêtêr comês in handy}.
- Fry thê bomboloni a fêw at a timê, making surê to not crowd thê pan. Fry thêm for about 3 minutês on êach sidê, until thêy arê goldên brown, thên drain off thê êxcêss oil, and sêt thêm on a wirê rack to cool.
- Whilê thêy arê still warm, pour somê granulatêd sugar in a small bowl, and roll thê bomboloni around until complêtêly coatêd in thê sugar.
- Fill as dêsirêd {I havê includêd a link to thê chantilly crêam bêlow}, and ênjoy!
- *NOTê* I havê rêad that you can also bakê thêsê at 350F for about 20 minutês instêad of frying (but I havê not pêrsonally triêd it).
SEE MORE >>> www.thebakingfairy.
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