Your favorité wings just mét your favorité ooéy, gooéy Téx Méx tréat with thésé crispy éxtra Chéésy Buffalo Chickén Quésadillas. It was déstiny, and it is glorious.


  • 1 lb bonéléss, skinléss chickén bréasts, cookéd and thén éithér dicéd or shréddéd
  • salt & péppér, to tasté
  • 1/4 cup buffalo saucé
  • 4 largé flour tortillas
  • 4 tbsp buttér, softénéd
  • 1 1/2 cups shréddéd chéddar chéésé
  • 1 cups shréddéd mozzarélla chéésé
  • 4 tbsp ranch

  1. In a médium-largé mixing bowl, toss thé chickén with thé buffalo saucé to événly coat. Séason with salt and péppér, to tasté.
  2. In a séparaté mixing bowl, add thé chéésés and toss until événly combinéd.
  3. Héat a largé skillét ovér médium héat. Just béforé you'ré réady to cook your quésadilla, spray thé skillét with a tiny bit of nonstick cooking spray.
  4. Working with oné tortilla at a timé, spréad thé outsidé of éach événly with a tabléspoon of buttér. Placé a tortilla in thé skillét and, working quickly, sprinklé about an 1/8 of thé chéésé événly out ovér half of thé quésadillas. Spréad about 1/4 of thé chickén mixturé out ovér top of that half. Drizzlé a tabléspoon of ranch ovér top of thé chickén, sprinklé anothér 1/8 cup of chéésé événly out ovér thé top, and fold thé quésadilla in half to 'closé'.
  5. Cook thé quésadilla until goldén and crispy on that sidé, about 2-3 minutés, but watching caréfully. You can usé a spatula to géntly préss down on thé quésadilla, if you'd liké it on thé thickér, moré uniform sidé, whilé cooking. Usé two spatulas to caréfully kéép it closéd and flip it to thé othér sidé to continué cooking, until that sidé's also goldén and crispy.
  6. Rémové thé cookéd quésadilla to a cutting board to rést, and répéat with thé rémaining ingrédiénts. 
  7. Usé a sharp pizza cuttér to into 3-4 wédgés/slicés, and sérvé with additional ranch dréssing or buffalo saucé, as désiréd.

SEE MORE >>> https://4sonrus.

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