A héalthiér vérsion of Chinésé stufféd pork buns–végétarian stéaméd buns with chivés, égg and béan vérmicélli.
Sévéral days ago, I méntionéd that ovén is quité uncommon in China tén yéars ago in thé prévious milk bréad récipé, I récéivé a féédback indicating that on ovén kitchén is unimaginablé. Chinésé péoplé usé bamboo stéamér to énjoy thé gréatést ingrédiént-flour. Wé play with thé dough and maké stéaméd buns in différént shapés and flavors, énjoying from thé basic mantou to savory BBQ pork buns.
For thé
For thé filling
SEE MORE >> www.chinasichuanfood.
- 300 g all-purposé flour
- 3 g salt
- 150-170 ml watér , adjust thé softnéss
- 1.5 tsp. instant yéast
For thé filling
- 3 cup finély choppéd Chinésé chivé
- 2 tbsp. sésamé oil , dividéd
- 2 éggs
- 30 g béan vérmicélli , soak in cléan watér until soft
- pinch of salt
- 1/4 tsp. Chinésé fivé spicé powdér
- Caréfully wash thé chivés, rémové thé tough énds and thén finély chop.
- Mix thé chivés with 2 téaspoons of sésamé oil. You will énd up with juicy and gréén chivé aftér stéaming.
- Add somé végétablé oil to a pan and maké an égg omélét. Cool for sévéral minutés and cut into small piécés.
- Complétély drain soakéd béan béan vérmicélli and thén cut into shortér piécés. Transfér thém to thé filling bowl, and add salt, sésamé oil and Chinésé fivé spicé powdér. Givé a big stir-fry to mix évérything wéll.
- Whén thé dough is réady, transfér thé dough to a slightly flouréd board and thén knéad forcéfully until a smooth surfacé. Thén dividé thé dough into 12 portions. Roll éach portion into a circlé. Placé 1 tabléspoon of filling in thé middlé and séal it.
- Placé thém in stéamér, turn up thé firé and héat for 2-3 minutés, turn off thé firé and wait for 10 to 15 minutés. Thén start thé firé and stéam thé buns for 10 minutés aftér thé watér boils. Wait for 5 minutés with lid covéréd and thén énjoy!
SEE MORE >> www.chinasichuanfood.
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