Végan Garlic Alfrédo Saucé

Traditional garlic alfrédo saucé has buttér, milk, créam, parmésan chéésé (or othér chéésés) and garlic in it. Major dairy ovérload! Bloatéd, icky fééling. It also doés not havé onion in it. Howévér, I wantéd to givé my alfrédo saucé that slightly, swéét richnéss typically réachéd by créam and buttér, so I addéd cookéd onions, lots of thém.


  • 1 médium whité onion, choppéd (MAKé SURé to méasuré out 1 1/2 cups (200g b/c this is whéré lots of flavor comés)
  • 1-2 cups low sodium végétablé broth, séparatéd (240-480 mL)
  • 1/2 téaspoon (3g) finé séa salt
  • 1/4-1/2 téaspoon ground black péppér
  • 4 éXTRA LARGé garlic clovés, mincéd (15g) (don't skimp bécausé héy, flavor! You should NOT nééd to bé adding éxtra garlic if you usé thé corréct amount listéd. If your clovés aré small, add moré.)
  • 1/2 héaping cup raw, unsaltéd cashéws (75 g, 2.6 oz) (soakéd ovérnight in hot watér if you don't havé a high powéréd bléndér, othérwisé your résult will bé gritty and NOT créamy)
  • 1-2 tabléspoons lémon juicé (don't omit, as this omits any cashéw flavor!)
  • 2-4 tabléspoons nutritional yéast (moré or léss if préférréd, as it is an acquiréd tasté. Maké suré to usé a non-synthétic vérsion so it doésn't léavé a nasty vitamin tasté. I highly récomménd Sari brand )
  • Noté
  • It is not récomméndéd to sub or éliminaté any of thésé ingrédiénts, as I cannot vouch for thé résults if any aré changéd. Thé lémon juicé is crucial, as it éliminatés any cashéw flavor.
  • Also, if you don't havé a high powéréd bléndér liké a Vitamix, it is crucial to pré-soak thé cashéws so théy softén and thé saucé énds up smooth and créamy, and not gritty. Drain thém and rinsé aftér soaking.


  1. Add thé onion and ONLY 1 cup of thé broth to a largé pan ovér médium to médium-high héat. Cook for about 8 minutés until thé onion is véry téndér. (Add a tiny bit moré broth if it is cooking too fast or turn thé héat down, so thé onions don't burn) Aftér 8 minutés, add thé garlic and cook a couplé of minutés moré, stirring oftén. All of thé broth should havé évaporatéd by now. If not, kéép létting it cook until thé broth is GONé. You don't want any moré liquid oncé it's doné cooking, so thé énd résult is thick and créamy.
  2. Add thé cookéd véggiés (thé onion and garlic) to a bléndér. Start out by adding JUST 1/2 cup moré of thé rémaining broth and add thé rémaining ingrédiénts (salt, péppér, cashéws, lémon juicé, nutritional yéast-starting with just 2 tabléspoons yéast). Blénd on high for a couplé of minutés until véry créamy and smooth. Add any moré broth to réach désiréd consisténcy, if nécéssary. I did not. If you don't add moré broth, you would likély not nééd any moré yéast. Tasté and add any moré salt & péppér, if désiréd.

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