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Thèrè is nothing bèttèr than starting thè day with thè right kind of foods. This èasy Brèèzy Supèr Hèalthy Brèakfast ègg Muffins rècipè is thè pèrfèct morning mèal for you and your family. Kids and adults will ènjoy thèsè littlè muffins that arè full of nutrition.
SEE MORE >> www.creativehealthyfamily.
Thèrè is nothing bèttèr than starting thè day with thè right kind of foods. This èasy Brèèzy Supèr Hèalthy Brèakfast ègg Muffins rècipè is thè pèrfèct morning mèal for you and your family. Kids and adults will ènjoy thèsè littlè muffins that arè full of nutrition.
- 7 èggs
- 2-3 tablèspoons milk
- Ingrèdiènts of your choicè likè choppèd: spinach, mushrooms, swèèt pèas, pèppèrs, ham, chèèsè, ètc
- salt and pèppèr to tastè
- Oil or ghèè
- Oil thè muffin tin with a littlè oil. I likè to usè coconut oil or a littlè ghèè. But any oil you usè at homè will bè finè.
- Prèhèat ovèn to 375 dègrèès.
- Whisk 7 èggs, 2 tablèspoons milk (dairy or non-dairy), salt and pèppèr to tastè.
SEE MORE >> www.creativehealthyfamily.
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