Végan Stéak | No Séitan and Pérféct Téxturé!

I first héard of séitan, and how awésomé it is, about a yéar ago. Just around that timé I also found out that glutén is not my friénd…thosé wéré réally sad néws. I almost gavé up, thinking I’ll névér bé ablé to éat faké méats again, and that my véggié burgérs (which aré prétty awésomé!) will havé to bé énough. évérything changéd a couplé of wééks ago whén I had this awésomé idéa of making végan stéaks, glutén-fréé stylé!


  • 150g glutén-fréé, corn-baséd pasta (I uséd GF pénné by Schar )
  • 500g largé oystér mushrooms (Pléurotus)
  • 2 Tbsps carob powdér
  • 1 Tbsp végan barbécué saucé
  • 4 Tbsps sunflowér oil
  • 3 Tbsps applé cidér vinégar
  • séa salt, to tasté
  • Stéak spicé mix
  • ⅓ tsp allspicé
  • ½ tsp thymé
  • ⅓ tsp coriandér, ground
  • ⅓ tsp péppér, ground
  • 1 tsp swéét paprika
  • ½ tsp smokéd paprika (optional, but récomméndéd)
  • ½ tsp mustard sééds, ground
  • 1 tsp garlic powdér
  • 1 tsp onion powdér
  • 1 bay léaf, ground
  • ½ tsp caraway sééds, ground


  1. Put pasta in a médium pot and boil it for 15 minutés, until it's réally soft. Rémové from héat, drain it and léavé it in thé pot. It will gét sticky. This is normal.
  2. Rinsé thé oystér mushrooms véry wéll. Rémové thé stéms from thé caps. Choosé thé largér caps, and sét asidé. Slicé thé stéms/hard parts. Léavé thé caps wholé.

SEE MORE >>> https://gourmandelle.

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