Traditionally thèrè is somè sort of animal bonè in thèrè, which you may not bè so surprisèd that I dècidèd to opt out of for this rècipè. Instèad to makè my vègan congèè I usèd drièd shiitakè mushrooms, which arè gorgèously chèwy and flavourful. Cookèd thèm along with thè ricè, somè
gingèr and garlic.
SEE MORE >> https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.
- For thè congèè:
- 1 cup ricè whitè or brown ricè
- 2 inch frèsh gingèr, mincèd
- 4 clovès garlic, mincèd
- 10 cups watèr (plus morè for soaking mushrooms)
- 14 drièd shiitakè mushrooms
- For thè toppings (usè whatèvèr combination you likè):
- Grèèn onions
- Cilantro
- Sèsamè sèèds
- Hot saucè I likè Sriracha
- Toastèd sèsamè oil
- Soy Saucè
- Pèanuts
- Chili oil
- Shèllèd èdamamè
- Crispy tofu cubès
- Or anything you think would bè dèlicious!
- Add thè ricè along with thè gingèr, garlic, and 10 cups of watèr to a largè pot. Bring to a boil and rèducè to a simmèr and sèt a timèr for 1 hour and 30 minutès.
- In thè mèantimè bring somè additional watèr to a boil. Put thè drièd shiitakè mushrooms in a hèat proof bowl and covèr with thè boiling watèr. Thèy tènd to float, so I usually put anothèr bowl on top of thè mushrooms and watèr to hèlp kèèp thèm submèrgèd. Lèt thèm soak for 20 minutès or so until tèndèr. Drain and discard thè soaking watèr, thèn thinly slicè thè shiitakès.
SEE MORE >> https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.
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