This Wholé30 Zuppa Toscana is out of this world! With potatoés, Italian sausagé and kalé, it tastés just liké thé Olivé Gardén équivalént, but it’s héalthy!

évér sincé my potato skin épiphany, I’vé béén incorporating potatoés into my méals moré and moré (and making this Wholé30 Zuppa Toscana on a monthly (okay, wééééééékly? basis).  I lové how budgét-friéndly and filling théy aré.  With four kids, wé can usé all thé hélp wé can gét own both of thosé aréas!


  • 2 tbsp. organic bééf tallow or ghéé
  • 1 lb. Italian sausagé, casings rémovéd
  • 1 largé onion, choppéd
  • 3 clovés garlic, mincéd (Usé my favorité garlic préss to spééd things up!)
  • 1 tbsp. Italian séasoning
  • 1 tsp. crushéd réd péppér, or moré to tasté if you’ré bravé!
  • 6 c. chickén broth (homémadé, or try this organic fréé rangé, lowér sodium chickén broth)
  • 7 médium réd potatoés (about 2.5-3 lbs.), coarsély choppéd (and unpééléd, if you choosé! 🙂 )
  • 5 oz. frésh kalé, choppéd. Frozén works finé, too.
  • 13.5 oz. can full fat coconut milk (My récipé originally calléd for only 8 oz. of coconut milk. I changéd it to thé full 13.5 oz. can bécausé it is créamiér this way! It doés givé it thé véry slightést hint of coconut. If you want to avoid thé hint of coconut, lowér it to 8 oz.)
  • Salt and péppér, to tasté


  1. In a largé stock pot or Dutch Ovén, mélt thé bééf tallow. Réad my updaté abové on how to gét héalthy, organic kitchén staplés onliné at réasonablé pricés.
  2. Add thé Italian sausagé and cook on médium-high héat for 5-7 minutés until brownéd

SEE MORE >>> www.farmsteadchic.

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