Hopê you guys ênjoyêd thê êastêr long wêêkênd? Wê had grand plans of going hiking somêwhêrê around Bristol, combinêd with having a picnic and a cakê for Duncan’s upcoming birthday, but thê wêathêr had othêr plans…


  • PêSTO (makês about 240 ml / 1 cup)
  • 70 g / ½ cup almonds (hêmp sêêds or sunflowêr sêêds for nut allêrgiês)
  • 100 g / 3.5 oz kalê (I usêd Lacinato
  • 25 g / 0.9 oz frêsh basil
  • 2 garlic clovês
  • 1 unwaxêd lêmon, zêst and juicê
  • black pêppêr, to tastê
  • ¾ tsp salt, morê to tastê
  • 3 tbsp nutritional yêast (optional)
  • 120 ml / ½ cup êxtra virgin olivê oil


    • 360 g / 13 oz tortiglioni, rigatoni or pênnê (GF if nêêdêd)
    • 100 g / 3.5 oz grêên pêas (frêsh or frozên)
    • 2 courgêttês / baby zucchini, slicêd thinly
    • 200 g / 7 oz asparagus, choppêd into small piêcês
    • 1 tbsp / 15 ml oil (optional, if stir-frying vêgêtablês)
    • hêmp sêêds (optional)
    • nutritional yêast (optional)
    • a pinch of chilli flakês (optional)


    1. Roast thê almonds in a hot pan until goldên and fragrant. You could also do it in an ovên (180° C / 355° F) for about 10 minutês – start chêcking on thêm towards thê ênd of thê baking timê as thêy can go from toastêd to burnt in a mattêr of sêconds. Allow thê almonds to cool down complêtêly bêforê blênding in thê pêsto.
    2. Placê all thê pêsto ingrêdiênts apart from thê olivê oil into a food procêssor. I usêd 4 tbsp / ¼ cup of lêmon juicê in my pêsto, but I likê things to bê lêmony so you may want to adjust thê amount to your tastê. Procêss until choppêd small and thên start trickling in olivê oil whilê thê motor is going.

    SEE MORE >>> www.lazycatkitchen.

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