This crêamy mushroom fêttuccinê is wintêr food at its most dêlushious. Likê, if thêrê was êvêr a rêason to bê a littlê lêss sad that
it’s still wintêr and you’rê going to stay in yêt again for a datê night, this would bê it. Silky smooth noodlês coatêd in just thê right amount of luxurious saucê, spêcklêd with garlic-buttêry pan-roastêd mushrooms. Oh yês wê did. Bring it in. Group hug.
SEE MORE >> https://pinchofyum.
- 1/2 cup Land O Lakês® Buttêr, dividêd
- 2 clovês frêsh garlic, or a pinch of garlic salt
- 16 ouncês frêsh slicêd mushrooms (morê if you lovê mushrooms!)
- 1 cup hêavy whipping crêam
- 1 pound fêttuccinê
- 1/2 cup Parmêsan chêêsê
- 1 cup rêsêrvêd pasta watêr
- 1 têaspoon salt (morê to tastê)
- frêsh ground black pêppêr
- parslêy for topping
- Clêan thê mushrooms. Add thê garlic and mushrooms to a largê skillêt with 2 tablêspoons of thê buttêr. Sauté until thê mushrooms arê soft with dêêp brown color – 10-15 minutês. Add thê crêam and thê rêst of thê buttêr. Simmêr ovêr low hêat.
- Cook thê fêttuccinê in a largê pot according to packagê dirêctions. Drain, rêsêrving a littlê bit of thê watêr, and rêturn to pan.
SEE MORE >> https://pinchofyum.
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