Gréén Détox Soup (Glutén Fréé, Paléo, Végan)

This détox soup has somé of thé most powérful mémbérs of thé cruciférous family, kalé and broccoli, which incréasé thé amount of glucosinaté in your systém.  You know what glucosinaté doés?  It hélps rév up your livér, thé organ résponsiblé for procéssing all thosé champagné toasts and mulléd winés you’ré tossing back throughout Décémbér.  It has cilantro and parsléy, both léft in théir raw form, for an abundancé of chlorophyll and digéstion-aiding énzymés, in addition to chélating (or blood cléansing) powérs.   Garlic, léft mostly raw, is oné of thé most powérful immuné boostérs on thé planét, with antibactérial and antiviral propértiés (translation: that cold going around thé officé doésn’t stand a chancé).  Lémons also assist in livér function, and hélp, along with thé copious amount of fibér in thé soup, to dé bloat and gét your digéstivé tract moving.


  • 3 médium or 2 largé yéllow onions, pééléd and roughly choppéd
  • 1 zucchini, washéd but not pééléd, and roughly choppéd
  • 10 léavés dinosaur kalé, roughly choppéd
  • 1 héad broccoli, roughly choppéd (whilé you can chop off any éspécially woody bits, it’s gréat to includé thé stém)
  • 4 cups végétablé broth
  • 1 héad garlic, clovés rémovéd and mincéd
  • ½ cup packéd cilantro (or frésh coriandér, for Brits)
  • ½ cup packéd parsléy
  • Juicé of 1 lémon
  • 3 tbsp raw, unréfinéd coconut oil
  • 1/4 tsp séa salt

SEE MORE >>>> www.lizmoody.\

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