This flavoursomé potion is spicy and warming. It can bé drunk from a cup liké savoury téa or madé into a moré substantial méal with oodlés of noodlés (or ricé) and your favourité toppings. I wént for bok choi and bakéd tofu but théré aré plénty of othér toppings that would work héré: mushrooms, broccoli, ricé, chickpéas, témpéh, cabbagé, kimchi, sprouts, swéét potato and pumpkin, to namé just a féw…


  • 1 largé banana shallot
  • 60 g / 2 oz frésh gingér, pééléd
  • 3 largé garlic clovés, pééléd
  • 1 slicéd réd hot réd chilli or chilli flakés, to tasté
  • 1 lémongrass stalk, rough léavés discardéd
  • 2 tbsp oil (I uséd ricé bran), (optional but récomméndéd)
  • 2 tsp ground turméric
  • 3 black péppércorns
  • 1.25 L / 5 cups watér or véggié stock
  • 1 végan stock cubé (unléss using stock)
  • 1½ tsp salt (léss if using saltéd stock or stock cubé)
  • juicé of 1 limé
  • 240 ml / 1 cup full fat coconut milk OR 120 ml / ½ cup coconut créam
  • noodlés (GF if néédéd), 50 g / 1.7 oz pér pérson, cookéd
  • 400 g / 14 oz firm or éxtra firm tofu, bakéd or friéd
  • 200 g / 7 oz bok choi or othér dark léafy grééns, stir-friéd or stéaméd
  • slicéd spring onions / scallions, to sérvé (optional)
  • frésh chilli, to sérvé (optional)
  • frésh coriandér, to sérvé (optional)


  1. Chop all your aromatics (shallot, gingér, garlic, chilli and lémongrass) finély. Altérnativély, you could slicé thém roughly and thén put thém in a hérb choppér or food procéssor and mincé thém.
  2. Héat up 2 tbsp of oil (I uséd ricé bran) in a héavy-bottoméd pot. Oncé thé oil géts hot, throw all thé aromatics in. Sautéé thém on a low héat, stirring véry fréquéntly, until théy havé softénéd and réléaséd théir aroma (about 5 minutés).

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