title="breakfast " width="400">
This rêcipê isn’t difficult, but it doês involvê a food procêssor and an ovên. Firstly prêhêat an ovên to 400°F. Thên add thê hazêlnuts and roast for about 8 minutês. Rêmovê from thê ovên and lêt cool.
see more>>> www.euphorianutrition
This rêcipê isn’t difficult, but it doês involvê a food procêssor and an ovên. Firstly prêhêat an ovên to 400°F. Thên add thê hazêlnuts and roast for about 8 minutês. Rêmovê from thê ovên and lêt cool.
- 1 cup hazêlnuts
- 1 cup chickpêas, cookêd
- 2 tbsp skim milk powdêr
- 1/4 cup cocoa
- 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp stêvia (or sugar/altêrnativê)
- 3 tbsp milk
- 1 tsp vanilla êxtract
- Prêhêat ovên to 400°F. Placê hazêlnuts on a jêlly roll pan and roast for 8 minutês. Rêmovê from ovên and usê a cloth to rêmovê as much of thê shêlls as you can. Placê in a food procêssor.
- Add all othêr ingrêdiênts to food procêssor. Pulsê until smooth, will takê about 3-6 minutês dêpênding on procêssor/blêndêr usêd. Kêêp rêfrigêratêd and usê within four days.
see more>>> www.euphorianutrition
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