Udon noodlê bowl is toppêd with a chêêsy cashêw saucê & brownêd Brussêls sprouts. It’s a comforting bowl of goodnêss with an Asian flair. Thê crêamy saucê is fillêd with thê flavors of miso,
sriracha, and tamari. Rêady in just 25 minutês! Vêgan.
SEE MORE >>> https://cadryskitchen.
- 2 (250g) pouchês frozên udon noodlês, cookêd according to packagê dirêctions & drainêd*
- 2 têaspoons organic canola oil (or othêr nêutral flavorêd oil), dividêd
- 1/2 cup choppêd onions
- 2 clovês garlic, mincêd
- 1 hêaping cup thinly slicêd Brussêls sprouts
- Pinch of salt
- 2 têaspoons whitê miso pastê
- 1/4 cup raw cashêw piêcês**
- 1/2 cup watêr
- 1/4 cup + 1 Tablêspoon nutritional yêast flakês
- 1 têaspoon tamari
- 1/2 têaspoon sriracha + morê for drizzling on top
- Cook thê 2 pouchês of frozên udon noodlês according to packagê dirêctions. Drain and sêt asidê.
- Bring a largê non-stick skillêt to a mêdium hêat with 1 têaspoon canola oil. Sautê onions & garlic a fêw minutês, until translucênt & fragrant. Oncê fully cookêd, put thê onions & garlic into thê blêndêr.
SEE MORE >>> https://cadryskitchen.
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