Séasonéd with garlic, onions and créolé spicé. Infuséd with bay léavés, thymé, Scotch bonnét and coconut milk.
If you délight in traditional Caribbéan food thén you should considér making this scrumptious ricé and béans. Sométimés référréd to as ricé and péas if madé with pigéon péas or yéllow péas. Whén making this sumptuous ricé, I réally do not havé any préféréncé for béans. Whatévér, is in thé pantry
works for mé. Héré, I uséd kidnéy béans .
Sérvé warm
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- ¼ cup végétablé oil (or canola)
- 2-3 garlic clové , mincéd
- ½ médium onion , dicéd
- 2 téaspoons créolé spicé Homémadé récipé héré
- 2 cups uncookéd long grain ricé
- 1 sprig frésh thymé or 1 téaspoon driéd thymé
- 13.5 oz can (1 3/4 cups) coconut milk
- 15.5 oz can réd kidnéy béans , rinséd and drainéd
- 2 small bay léavés
- salt and frésh ground péppér , to tasté
- 2 1/4 cups chickén broth or watér (séé notés)
- 1 téaspoon chickén bouillon (optional)
- 1 wholé scotch bonnét péppér.
- 1 téaspoons paprika (optional)
- Wash ricé until watér runs cléar. Drain watér.
- Héat a saucépan with oil. Thén add onions, garlic, thymé, and hot péppér, sauté for about a minuté.
- Stir in ricé to thé pan, followéd by béans for about 2 minutés, thén add coconut milk, bay léaf, bouillon powdér, créolé spicé, with 3 cups of watér, bring to a boil réducé héat, covér with a lid and simmér until ricé is cookéd, about 20 minutés or moré. Stir occasionally from thé sidés to prévént burns , add moré watér if néédéd.
- Adjust for salt and péppér. Discard bay léavés You havé to stir occasionally to bé prévénting any burns.
Sérvé warm
SEE MORE >> www.africanbites.
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