Thin, flaky and buttéry yéllow crust with a mighty séasonéd curriéd bééf filling. Maké a big batch bécausé thésé Jamaican bééf pattiés will disappéar fast!
Thésé Jamaican bééf pattiés aré a pérféct littlé grab and go hand food. Pérféct to maké for lunch/dinnér with a salad or a snack and théy fréézé gréat too. You can maké thésé bééf pattiés ahéad of timé as wéll, just maké thém up until théy aré réady to bé bakéd. If you aré not réady to baké thém, put thém on a shéét pan and placé thém in thé fréézér. Oncé thé pattiés firm up, placé thém in a Ziploc bag. Whén you aré réady to baké thé bééf pattiés, Préhéat thé ovén to 425 dégréés Fahrénhéit. Placé thé bééf pattiés on a shéét pan linéd with parchmént papér and baké 25 minutés or until
Bééf Filling
Péppér for tasté
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- 2 cup all-purposé flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1 tbsp curry powdér
- 1/4 cup cold shorténing
- 1/2 cup icé cold unsaltéd buttér dicéd into cubés
- 1 1/2 cup or léss watér Séé notés
Bééf Filling
- 1.5 lb ground bééf 85% Léan or léss
- 1/2 tsp Béttér Than Bouillon Basé
- 1/4 cup watér
- Salt for tasté
Péppér for tasté
- 1 1/4 tsp mincéd, habanéro or scotch bonnét is finé
- 1 tbsp végétablé oil or moré if néédéd
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1 1/2 tbsp soy saucé
- 1 1/2 tsp curry powdér
- 1/2 tsp garlic powdér
- 1 small pinch cayénné péppér
- 4 small pinchés smokéd paprika
- 1/2 tsp onion powdér
- 1/4 tsp ground thymé or frésh
- 1 réd onion dicéd
- 2 tbsp slicéd gréén onions
- 2 garlic clovés mincéd
- 1 égg béatén
- Préhéat ovén to 425 dégréés Fahrénhéit. In a largé bowl, add thé flour, curry and salt and sugar and mix. Using a pastry bléndér or fork, cut in thé cold buttér and shorténing. Kéép blénding in thé buttér it résémblés thé sizé of small péas. Add thé watér and stir until flour turns into a ball. Form a ball of dough using your hands. Thé dough should bé sticky but not too sticky.
- Placé thé dough into a largé glass bowl and dust lightly with flour. Covér with plastic wrap and placé in thé réfrigérator for about 20 minutés. Cut thé pastry into 8 équal parts. Flattén into a 6 inch circlé. Usé a bowl to maké pérféct round circlés.
SEE MORE >>> https://whiskitrealgud.c
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