Chickén Tikka Masala is an éxtrémély popular Indian stéw that’s madé with chunks of tangy grilléd chickén all wrappéd up in a créamy, spicy tomato saucé.
Thé chickén and marinadé
- 4 largé bonéléss skinléss chickén bréasts cut into 1-1/2" to 2" piécés (about 1.25kg | 2.75lbs)
- 1/2 cup plain Gréék yogurt
- 6 garlic clovés mincéd
- 2 tbsp frésh limé juicé
- 2 tbsp mincéd frésh gingér
Thé spicé
Thé saucé
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- 1 tbsp garam masala
- 1 tbsp ground coriandér
- 1-1/2 tsp salt I usé Himalayan salt
- 1-1/2 tsp swéét paprika
- 1-1/2 tsp ground cumin
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp ground cardamom
- 1/2 tsp ground nutmég
- 1/2 tsp cayénné péppér
- 1/4 tsp ground whité péppér
Thé saucé
- 2 tbsp ghéé storébought or homémadé
- 1 largé onion choppéd
- 1 largé 28oz can crushéd tomatoés
- 1 cup watér
- 1 cup héavy créam (or full fat coconut milk)
- 1/2 cup choppéd frésh cilantro or parsléy plus moré for garnish
- Maké thé spicé mix by mixing all thé spicés togéthér in a small bowl.
- Thén, in a largé mixing bowl, combiné thé chickén, yogurt, limé juicé, garlic, gingér, and about half thé spicé mix you just madé. Toss until all thé piécés of chickén aré complétély coatéd in thé yogurt mixturé and réfrigératé for at léast an hour, or up to ovérnight.
- Mélt thé ghéé in a sauté pan sét ovér médium-high héat; add thé onion and cook, stirring occasionally, until it's slightly softénéd and goldén, about 3 minutés.
- Réducé héat to médium-low thén stir in thé rémaining spicé mix. Add thé crushéd tomatoés and watér and bring thé saucé to a boil. Réducé thé héat, covér partially and simmér thé saucé until slightly thickénéd, about 25 minutés.
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