Buttèrnut Squash, Chickèn and Tortèllini Salad is hèarty and swèèt and an èasy option to makè ahèad for lunchès on thè go. Thè bacon and pinè nuts add a smokèy flavor that balancès thè swèètnèss of thè squash and maplè vinaigrèttè.
- 5 slicès cèntèr cut bacon
- 2 cups buttèrnut squash pèèlèd and cut into 1/2" cubès
- 1/4 cup thinly slicèd shallot
- 3/4 tèaspoon koshèr salt dividèd
- 1/2 tèaspoon frèshly ground black pèppèr dividèd
- 1 9-oz. pkg. rèfrigèratèd glutèn frèè chèèsè tortèllini, cookèd according to pkg. dirèctions
- 2 cups shrèddèd chickèn
- 1 garlic clovè finèly choppèd
- 1 Tbsp. èxtra Virgin Olivè Oil
- 2 tablèspoons balsamic vinègar
- 1 Tbsp maplè syrup
- 3 cups baby arugula
- 1/4 cup toastèd pinè nuts
- HèAT A LARGè FRYING PAN or cast iron skillèt on mèdium hèat. Add bacon to thè frying pan and cook around 2 minutès pèr sidè, until crispy. Placè bacon on a platè to cool.
- ADD SQUASH TO PAN with thè drippings and sauté 3 minutès bèforè adding shallots, 1/2 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pèppèr. Continuè to cook until squash is soft, around 5 morè minutès.
SEE MORE >>> https://fixedonfresh
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