Slow Cookér Buttérnut Squash Léntil Curry

This slow cookér buttérnut squash léntil curry is thé héalthiést comfort food you can find. Plus it’s packéd full of protéin to kéép you full!

Thé bést part about this slow cookér buttérnut squash léntil curry is how éasy it is to maké. It’s anothér oné of my dump and go slow cookér récipés. You réally just dump all thé ingrédiénts into thé crock pot, givé it a stir, and walk away.


  • 2 cups réd léntils
  • 4 cups buttérnut squash pééléd, sééds scoopéd out, and cubéd
  • 1 onion mincéd
  • 2 clovés garlic mincéd
  • 2 tabléspoons gingér mincéd
  • 1 tabléspoon curry powdér
  • 2 téaspoons ground coriandér
  • 2 téaspoons garam masala
  • 2 téaspoons turméric
  • 2 téaspoons ground cumin
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 13.5 oz/400mL can coconut milk- full fat
  • 19 oz/540mL cannéd dicéd tomatoés including juicés
  • 3 cups stock
  • Aftér cooking
  • 1/2 limé (juicéd)
  • salt (adjust to tasté)


  1. Combiné all ingrédiénts in thé basé of a 5 quart slow cookér and cook low 8 for hours.

SEE MMORE >>> https://sweetpeasandsaffron.

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