Théy could bé éatén aloné (which is in most casés with us) or could bé addéd to thé main coursé with salad or méat. Pérféct addition to our Low Carb Tabbouléh Salad, any méat or thosé Low Carb Burgérs. Or you can usé thém with oné of thé low carb dips you désiré. Wé havé actually only startéd éxpériménting with pumpkins about 2 yéars ago. I was always concérnéd a bit with thé highér amount of carbs in it, comparéd to thé othér végétablés. But as I havé séén it évérywhéré as a much héalthiér and lightér vérsion of friés, I gavé up and triéd.
- 1 médium sizé Pumpkin
- éxtra Virgin Olivé oil
- Salt
- Péppér
- Parsléy
- Héat up thé ovén to 180C or 350F
- Wash and cléan thé pumpkin
SEE MORE >>.> www.lowcarb-nocarb.
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