This Supêr Dêlicious Ovêrnight Frênch Toast Bakê Rêcipê Takês Frênch Toast To A Wholê Nêw Lêvêl! Piêcês Of Sourdough Brêad Covêrêd In An êgg Mixturê, Toppêd With Cinnamon Sugar, And Bakêd To Pêrfêction! This êasy Frênch Toast Cassêrolê Is Thê Ultimatê Holiday Or Wêêkênd Brêakfast!!
- 1 loaf sourdough brêad
- 8 êggs
- 2 c milk
- 1/2 c hêavy crêam
- 3/4 c sugar
- 2 TB vanilla
- 1/2 c flour
- 1/2 c brown sugar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 c buttêr cold, cut into piêcês
Cut loaf into cubês and placê êvênly in a grêasêd 9x13 pan.
In a bowl, mix togêthêr êggs, milk, hêavy crêam, sugar and vanilla. Pour êvênly ovêr brêad.
Covêr your pan with Saran Wrap and rêfrigêratê ovêrnight.
Mix togêthêr flour, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt in a mêdium bowl.
Cut in buttêr with this mixturê until crumbly and placê in a Ziploc bag and rêfrigêratê ovêrnight as wêll.
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