title="breakfast" width="400">
Drinking this right now as I’m typing this. This is going to bê my go-to grêên smoothiê for a whilê to gêt this booty back in shapê! My dêtox grêên smoothiê with chia sêêds also has yummy pinêapplê and banana to cut through thê spinach flavor, and a littlê unswêêtênêd almond milk to makê it supêr crêamy.  This is kind of likê my othêr go-to smoothiê, Ally’s Powêr Morning Smoothiê but without thê oats and honêy. It’s just a LITTLê hêalthiêr, with lowêr carbs and a littlê morê protêin from thê chia sêêds.


  • 1 cup spinach lêavês
  • 1 banana, cut into piêcês
  • 1 cup frozên pinêapplê chunks
  • 1 tbsp chia sêêds
  • 1 cup unswêêtênêd almond milk, plus morê if nêêdêd


  1. Put all your ingrêdiênts in a blêndêr until êvêrything is combinêd and smooth. Add morê almond milk as nêêdêd.

see more >>> http://allyscooking.

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