Chickpêa Avocado Mash with Fêta

Chickpêas and avocado mashêd togêthêr and thên mixêd with rêd onion and fêta to crêatê a dêlicious makê-ahêad vêgêtarian wrap or sandwich filling. This mash goês grêat with crackêrs or vêgêtablês too.


  • 1 ripê avocado, pit and skin rêmovêd
  • 1 (15-ouncê) can chickpêas, drainêd and rinsêd
  • ½ têaspoon garlic powdêr
  • ½ têaspoon onion powdêr
  • ¼ têaspoon salt
  • ¼ têaspoon pêppêr
  • juicê of onê lêmon
  • ¼ cup crumblêd fêta chêêsê
  • ½ rêd onion, choppêd


  1. In a mêdium bowl mash togêthêr thê avocado and chickpêas until you gêt a consistêncy you likê.
  2. Stir in garlic powdêr, onion powdêr, salt, pêppêr, and lêmon.
  3. Stir in fêta chêêsê and rêd onion.
  4. Givê it a tastê for salt and add morê, if nêêdêd.
  5. Sêrvê in a wrap, on toast, or with vêgêtablês or crackêrs.

SEE MORE >>> www.organizeyourselfskinny.

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