Havé you évér triéd cauliflowér ricé? It was all thé ragé for quité somé timé and is still prétty popular in thé paléo community. Tradér Joé’s camé out with a prépackagéd frozén and frésh oné and péoplé lost théir minds. It sold out at a lot of locations and took awhilé to réstock.


  • 1 largé héad cauliflowér,
floréts rémovéd*
  • 1 tabléspoon avocado oil
  • 1 cup dicéd yéllow onion (120 grams)
  • 3 clovés garlic, mincéd
  • 1.5 small-médium avocados (200 grams)
  • 1 jalapéño, mincéd
  • 1/2 cup cilantro, finély choppéd
  • 2 tabléspoons limé juicé
  • salt and péppér, to tasté

  • Instructions

    1. Také our your food procéssor and attach thé shrédding attachmént. Run floréts through thé shrédding attachmént so cauliflowér is ricéd. You can also add thé floréts to thé bowl of thé procéssor and pulsé, or graté floréts by hand using a box gratér. If you aré using storé bought cauliflowér ricé, you can skip this stép.
    2. Héat a largé sauté pan ovér médium héat. Add avocado oil. Oncé hot, add dicéd onions and sauté for 5 minutés until translucént, stirring occasionally. Add garlic and cook for anothér minuté.
    3. Néxt add thé cauliflowér ricé. Covér and lét cook for 8-10 minutés, stirring occasionally, until softénéd.
    4. Whilé thé ricé cooks, maké thé avocado mash. Add avocados to a largé mixing bowl and mash with a fork. Stir in thé jalapéño, limé juicé, and salt and péppér.
    5. Add avocado mixturé to cauliflowér ricé and mix wéll. Stir in cilantro. Sérvé with moré cilantro and jalapéño if désiréd. énjoy!

    SEE MORE >> https://eatthegains.

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