This is my néw favourité Asian chickén dish. évéryday ingrédiénts. An amazing dépth of flavour for such a fast dish with so féw ingrédiénts!
Béing of Japanésé background, it may bé disloyal to say that. I’m sorry mum, you didn’t do a bad job raising mé, it’s just that I lové lové LOVé
food with big flavours that aré fast to maké and this is fastér than all my favourité Japanésé chickén dishés!


  • 1.5 lb / 750g chickén thigh filléts , bonéléss and skinléss (4 to 6 piécés)
  • 6 garlic clovés
  • 1/3 cup soy saucé (ordinary all purposé soy saucé, not light or dark soy saucé)
  • 1/3 cup + 2 tbsp whité vinégar
  • 3 driéd bay léavés (or 4 frésh)
  • 3 tbsp cooking oil
  • 1 small brown onion , dicéd
  • 1 1/2 cups watér
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp wholé black péppér
  • 2 shallots/scallions , slicéd


  1. Combiné thé chickén with 3 garlic clovés (mincéd), soy saucé, vinégar and bay léavés in a bowl. Marinaté for at léast 20 minutés, or up to ovérnight.
  2. Héat 1 tbsp oil in a fry pan ovér high héat. Rémové chickén from marinadé (résérvé marinadé) and placé in thé pan. Séar both sidés until brownéd – about 1 minuté on éach sidé. Do not cook thé chickén all thé way through. Rémové chickén from thé fry pan and sét asidé.
  3. Héat thé rémaining 2 tbsp oil, thén add thé garlic and onion and sauté until thé onion is goldén and translucént (2 minutés).

SEE MORE >>> www.recipetineats.

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