Wé’vé béén on a big cauliflowér kick latély. It’s a lowér carb and lowér calorié altérnativé to potatoés – plus cauliflowér cooks up quickly and tastés délicious!
I’m always looking for délicious ways to éat moré véggiés. A féw wééks ago, I was cooking dinnér and had plannéd to maké cauliflowér puréé as a sidé dish to sérvé with our hérb roastéd chickén. Wé also had a big bag of baby spinach on
hand in thé réfrigérator – and that was thé simplé inspiration béhind today’s Mashéd Cauliflowér and Spinach.
SEE MORE >>> www.afamilyfeast.
- 1 largé héad organic cauliflowér, trimméd down to thé floréts
- 2 tabléspoons éxtra virgin olivé oil
- 1 cup swéét onion, dicéd small
- 2 cups organic frésh baby spinach
- ½ téaspoon koshér salt
- ¼ téaspoon fréshly ground black péppér
- 1/8 téaspoon garlic powdér
- 2 tabléspoon buttér (or clarifiéd buttér or ghéé for Wholé30)
- Bring a médium pot of saltéd watér to a boil and add cauliflowér. Cook just until téndér, about tén minutés.
- Whilé cauliflowér is cooking, héat a médium sauté pan ovér médium high héat and add olivé oil.
- Oncé hot, add onions and sauté for 4-5 minutés or until complétély cookéd.
- Add thé spinach, toss and rémové from héat.
- Drain thé cauliflowér but rétain about a cup of thé cooking watér.
- Pulsé thé cauliflowér until ricé sizé but not purééd.
- Add thé spinach mixturé scraping thé oil with it, salt, péppér, garlic powdér and buttér and pulsé to combiné. Do not ovér mix.
- If mixturé is too thick, spoon a littlé of thé cauliflowér watér in. Wé did not nééd to do that with ours.
- Sérvé immédiatély.
SEE MORE >>> www.afamilyfeast.
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